Lisa’s Santa Fe Real Estate Market Update – July 2024

Market Direction is Down Per June Real Estate Sales Statistics in Santa Fe 

The June residential sales statistics for key areas in Santa Fe showed more downward movement than up, but in most areas the price decreases were slight, with not enough consistency over the different areas to start a serious conversation about a trend.

The most notable contrast to May’s statistics was in area 25S-NW, where average days on the market jumped significantly from 26 to 136, the average sales price dropped to $811,000 from $1,145,000, and the average price per sq. ft. was down to $318.00 from $464.00.  At the same time, in area 1, inside the City limits, the average days on the market dropped from 57 to 24, and the average price per sq. ft. increased to $533.00 from $525.00.

June 2024 Real Estate Statistics for the Santa Fe, New Mexico, Area

1-SF City Limits; 3N-SF City SE North; 4N-SF City Limit SWN; 14-El Dorado; 24-Las Campanas; 25N-NW Quadrant-N; 25S-NW Quadrant-S; 27RV-Rancho Viejo.         ~SEE MAP BELOW STATISTICS~

AREA     ACTIVE         SOLD     AVG. DAYS on MKT.   AVG.  PRICE     AVG. $/SF

1                    91                      12                        24                   $     887,000       $533.00

3N                59                      14                        25                   $1,344,000        $631.00

4N               25                      11                           9                    $  509,000         $364.00

14                 17                       6                           41                    $ 715,000           $366.00

24                42                       8                           73                   $1,791,000         $529.00

25N-NW   24                       5                          67                    $1,509,000       $478.00

25S-NW     10                       4                         136                   $  811,000          $318.00

27RV            15                       4                           23                    $ 618,000         $338.00